Another good week here in good ol' Rupert! Not a whole lot to report
on this week though. Sorry! One exciting thing that happened was that
we were able to set a baptismal date for Zach! August 15th! I will
miss it, but it will be an amazing day for him.
We had our 3 week training meeting this week. It is when all the new
missionaries and their trainers get together after 3 weeks in the
field and talk about how it is going. It was super fun! I remember
going to that meeting as a new missionary and being so overwhelmed and
everything was so different than I imagined it. But going in as a
trainer is so different. You forget how scary and new everything is,
so I just have to keep reminding myself to slow it down and make sure
that she is okay and is getting the hang of things. It is so funny
because our mindsets and perspectives are SO different. When you have
barely left home, you are still the same person trying to learn how to
apply all these things, but when you have been out 18 months, you have
learned so much and everything has changed for me. So it is fun to see
what I was like when I first came out and then now. I just hope that I
can impart some good wisdom on Sister Rhiner:)
This week I had kind of a cool spiritual experience. We have been
working with this less-active family, the Patterson's. I love them so
much and I have a great relationship with them. Brother Patterson was
talking about his conversion a few years ago, and how he read the
letters between Emma and Joseph Smith and how that softened his heart
so much toward the gospel. So we decided to watch "Joseph Smith:
Prophet of the Restoration" with them since it is on Netflix now. I
have seen the movie a few times, but for some reason this time it was
so much more powerful! I was in tears and the spirit was testifying so
strongly to me. It really stood out to me in the movie this time how
Joseph Smith recognized the Lord's hand in ALL things and he always
testified so boldly and simply of our Savior, Jesus Christ. And then
on Sunday, the high council spoke in both of our wards, and they all
spoke about the prophet Joseph! The spirit touched my heart so deeply
yet again! I am just so grateful for what he did to restore Christ's
church back on the Earth. I can't even imagine. The heartbreak of Emma
as she watched him leave for the last time, he had so much courage and
faith, and I want to be more like him! He sacrificed everything and I
am so thankful for that.
this week. So excited! This is what is is all about. We find a lot of
people to teach, but there are very few that are truly prepared and
ready for this beautiful message. They already set a date for their
temple sealing next August, and I told them I would be there! The
Gospel is amazing and I have never been so happy in my whole life. The
Gospel is true happiness. 2 more weeks to share the gospel full-time!
Gotta keep running! I love you all so much. Thank you for the love,
support, and prayers. Have a great week!
xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo Sister Bigelow