Monday, December 15, 2014


Dear Family and Friends,

This week was absolutely crazy! But it was awesome. Is anyone else getting excited for Christmas??
Monday: We moved! We literally spent ALL morning packing up the Mama van. (Oh yeah, did I tell you that we drive a mini-van? I am sold. Those things can fit anything and everything.) We live with Sister Wayment who is a widow, so it is nice to be with her. It is a really nice house and I feel really blessed to have lived with such great members! Okay and then we spent 3 hours in Walmart. 3 hours. We wanted to make Christmas cards to send out and so we used the instant print machine at Walmart. And the machine broke so we had to wander around Walmart until they fixed the machine haha. Never again. That night we went over to our investigator Lori's house. She has a baptismal date for December 29th. But when we went over there, she told us that she couldn't wait any longer and that she was ready so she asked if she could be baptized the next day on Tuesday!!!!! So happy!!!! #missionarydream #2ndsurprisebaptism #miracles

Tuesday:We spent the whole day getting ready for Lori's baptism! We made programs and calls and everything in between. Her baptism was AMAZING. SHe is amazing. She has has a really hard life, and has been investigating the church for 2 years and was finally able to make the step. She has the biggest heart of anyone I know and she embraced the Gospel with all her heart. Her baptism was a small and simple occasion, but it was incredible. The spirit that filled the room and the smile on her face was all that was needed. Have I mentioned that I love being a missionary? She is also another hilarious one like Kellie. She is from D.C. She goes, "Is the pool guy here yet?" (referring to the font-filler. haha).

Wednesday: District Temple day! The temple is my favorite place on earth and I feel like I appreciate it a lot more now that we don't get to go very often. We had a less-active lady who recently got her temple recommend come with us and it was awesome! The temple is like no other place. I am grateful for the spirit and peace that is there and for the revelation we receive as we go with an open mind and heart. 2 Nephi 14:5-6 :)

Thursday: Mission Christmas Conference/party! So much fun. It started out with a conference filled with inspirational talks, videos, and messages. Then we had a mission talent show! My companion is awesome and knows sign language because she has a deaf brother, so I have been making her teach me. So for the talent show, Sister James and I signed while some other Sisters sang to "Hark the Herald Angels Sing." It was awesome! And there are some really talented missionaries here, holy cow! The night ended with a devotional from our area 70, Elder Allan. It was an amazing day filled with great spiritual enlightenment and the Christmas Spirit. It was so fun to see everyone. I just love our mission!

Friday: Exchanges! I got to be back in my old area in Twin with Sister Taguba. She is a new missionary and is from the Philippines.It was so fun. I got to see a lot of my ole investigators and converts. We got to help at a Christmas thing that an anti-Mormon church was putting on. They were doing a big dinner for all the refugees here in Twin and it was amazing to be able to see everyone come together to serve these people! It was so fun being able to learn from another Sister and be able to be in a position where I can help and serve. I am so grateful!

Saturday: The normal paperwork/meetings day! 

Sunday: Church! WE had 4 investigators come to sacrament meeting and it was Lori's confirmation! The best. We spent most of the day in meetings as well. Our stake put on a Christmas concert with beautiful music and talks. It was pretty awesome and we had some investigators come to that as well! Things are so good! #success

It was an awesome week and I really feel like I am understanding even more the true reason for Christmas as I share it with other people. I am so grateful for this Gospel and for the joy and peace it brings into my life. Don't forget to serve and love others even more this Christmas season. I love you all so much! Have a wonderful week:) God bless! 
Sister Bigelow

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