This week was AWESOME! I don't really think life could get any better. So excited for Christmas and to see all your faces!
Monday:P-day! The normal. We played sports with our Zone, which was really fun. That night we had a Family Home evening with our investigator family, the Day's. We shared the Christmas story and had the kids act it out, it was awesome! Reminded me of our Christmas Eve traditions:)
We love our stockings! Thanks mom! |
Tuesday: We had an awesome District meeting.We talked about different ways that we can help our investigators resolve their concerns. I always love it when I am the one being taught and being spiritually nourished. It helps build my faith and my testimony and become a better missionary. I love it. Also, SO many miracles happened today.
Unfortunately, I have been having really bad headaches this past week. So after District meeting, I asked the Elders for a blessing. I had been really scared to call the Doctor because I was afraid that if I was having this problem again, they would just send me home. Normally, just a companionship of Elders gives the blessing, but all 3 sets wanted to do it together and all stand in the circle. It was SO powerful. In the blessing, I was promised that I would be able to serve a full 18-month honorable mission, and that this sickness wouldn't hold me back. I was told that I have this illness so that in my current calling as a Sister Training Leader, I would be able to help and relate to all the Sisters. It was everything I needed to hear and I was so grateful for the worthy Priesthood holders that were so willing to help. Miracle #2: Our mission President and his wife, Sister Curtis, just happened to be in Rupert that day. So I was able to tell Sister Curtis what was going on. She told me to take my medicine and take the day off. So I did. I was able to sleep and rest, and by the end of the day I felt 150% better. I couldn't even express my gratitude to Heavenly Father for being there and strengthening me. It definitely strengthened my testimony.
Wednesday: Exchanges with Sister Muir in Burley! I love exchanges! The Sisters in this mission are seriously awesome and I have so enjoyed being with them in their areas and getting to know them. We had a fun day with lots of walking and teaching. Sister Muir is like the most happy/positive person I have ever met. She is one of those people who never talk about themselves, but are always interested in your life. I learned a lot from her!
Sister Muir Mac and Cheese selfie |
Thursday: Weekly planning day. It was just a normal day. We had one of our ward Christmas parties and we had a ton investigators and less-actives show up! It was awesome! Also, since it is Christmas, everyone feels the need to make us Christmas goodies. I am pretty sure I have never eaten so much junk in my life. So grateful, but so tired of sugar. haha. #idahoprobs
Friday: Exchanges with Sister Patterson in Burley! Sister Patterson is a brand new missionary who has been out for 3 weeks. It was fun to get to know her, and realize just how much I have grown and changed since those first few weeks. She is awesome and so diligent, and a scriptorian, holy cow! I learned so much from her! I am so enjoying the things I am learning and the friendships I am creating. We didn't really have any appointments so we walked around all day in the pouring rain just talking to people. It was fun. And I am praying that I don't get sick! #knockonwood.
Sunday: Church! We got to go to all 3 wards and see their Christmas programs. I LOVE the Christmas season, and I love the spirit that it brings. The music and talks made me ball like a baby, and I am still on such a spiritual high. I have really come to realize why we celebrate Christmas and because of that I have grown so close to my Savior and I am so much more grateful for Him and the Atonement. I am also grateful for Mary and Joseph and the qualities they possessed that we can learn from. Basically I feel so incredibly blessed that I have a knowledge of my Savior and this Gospel.
Merry Christmas everyone! I hope your week is filled with joy and happiness! I will be thinking of you all! Can't wait to skype! I love you!
Sister Bigelow
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