Monday, September 29, 2014

Back on the bike

Dear Family and Friends, 

 Best week ever! I am back to work full-time and back on the bike this week! Just in time for all the rain storms! :) Haha. It was a wonderful week filled with visits, appointments, and miracles. I will never ever take being a missionary for granted again. I realized how much I love it and how much I want to serve God and His children and how much I want to be here. I have such a strong testimony that God is so aware of us and He is always there even if we may not feel like He is. He was ALWAYS there for me in my time of need and I will be forever grateful for the chance I have to be a missionary.

Highlight of the week: So we are just awesome and so special, we got to watch the full-length movie "Meet the Mormons" 2 weeks before it even hit the theaters. And it was the best movie ever! I would tell all of you to go see it as soon as possible and invite all your friends to come too! It was such an inspiring movie. I laughed and cried and felt the Spirit. It talked about the basic doctrines of the Mormon faith and put to bed any misconceptions about the church. IT showed the stories of these incredible individuals who have done a mazing things in their lives, but they are also just normal people with normal family lives. It was amazing and I am grateful that we got to watch it as a mission. I felt like a normal person for a minute:) But really, go see it!

We also got to do a ton of service this week and meet a lot of new people! It was awesome. Also this weekend was the General Women's broadcast. The best. As a missionary it is so nice to be spiritually edified and uplifted yourself, because you are always doing that for other people. I love the counsel we receive from our inspired church leaders. 5 days till conference! Not that I am counting or anything:) Can't wait. My favorite part was when President Uchtdorf talked about how Heavenly Father is ALWAYS raining blessings upon us, but it is our own doubt, fear, and sin that are the umbrella the block the blessings out. The simple message of God's love is so powerful and one that has meant the most to be on my mission. I am so grateful to have that knowledge and to be able to see God's children as He sees them. 

Other than that, it was a normal missionary week. I am just loving life and loving all the people I get to meet. I love who I am becoming and how close I am to my Savior Jesus Christ. I love the Gospel so much and I can't express my gratitude to all of you for your prayers and support. I hope you all have a wonderful week with lots of happy things! Sending my love...

Love, Sister Bigelow

Happy thing of the day: I can finally exercise again! My whole body is so sore I can hardly move, but it feels so good! Just grateful for my healthy body! :) 

Prayer list of investigators: Bud, Lucas, Dillon, Hassani Family, Babes, Tim, Karen, Colton, Teala. Thanks so much! Your prayers are heard and felt:)

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